Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Welcome to Harborview

Welcome to Harborview.

Sounds like a nice neighborhood, doesn't it?

Don't get too many pictures in your head.  There are no big fancy houses here.  My husband and I recently bought our first home.  I think with most people, we didn't know the name of our neighborhood until we saw it listed on our documents for purchasing the house.  I like the name; Harborview. 

Harborview is a working class neighborhood.  Most of the houses are owner occupied, but there are several rentals.  Most of the houses are single family residents with a couple duplexes thrown in.  Most of the houses were built in the early 50s.  Mine was built in 1953.  Harborview is nestled between Lake Michigan and a Union Pacific Railway line. We also hear sirens frequently, because there is an assisted living center one block over.

My son, who will be two in less than a month, loves hearing the trains rumble by multiple times a day.  He also loves when we walk down to the lake to play in the sand.

In May we went from a two bedroom apartment with a dining room to a four bedroom house with a full basement, two bathrooms and an eat-in kitchen.  I still haven't unpacked a majority of our boxes.  I feel like I'm floundering while trying to keep up with housework, laundry and parenting a toddler.  I'm trying to climb out of a bad slump of depression.  There are days when I want to lock myself in the bathroom and hide.  There are days I want to ignore all of my responsibilities.  There are days when I just want to stay under the covers and not get out of bed.

But none of that is going to make the kind of changes that are required to turn my life into the life I want.  I have to be willing to work.  I have to be willing to do the things I don't really want to do.

I'm tired of having to scramble to get my house presentable for company.
I'm tired of hiding mess and clutter behind closed doors.
I'm tired of feeling like I'm drowning under laundry and housework.

I want to love welcoming people to my house at any time!
I want to love my house!
I want to do fun things with my toddler!
I want to have enough funds to paint some walls!
I want to have a home and family life that I can be proud to call my own!

So welcome to my journey living Life in Harborview.

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