Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Gardening Guide

Are you like me?  You don't have all the knowledge you need in order to create the garden you desire?

I checked out two different FREE websites that can help you.
This one is pretty simplistic.  I think this would be good for a person who's the quintessential newb. You have very little know-how when it comes to growing your own food.  You've got some vague idea that the veggies your grow come from a plant.  And maybe that plant needs some watering. 

This site gives you very clear step by step directions, tips and techniques for what to do with the seedlings you have purchased from the store.  If you feel you're ready and confident in your ability to start your own seedlings from seeds, this is NOT the site for you to use as your main online garden guide.  Don't worry.  We'll get to you in a minute!  You can download worksheets that will help you figure out what, where and when to plant.
This is the site I use.  It's a more in depth.  I think this site is good for people with some gardening experience.  It doesn't give as detailed for some of the processes as the first site.  This site expects you to have more background knowledge. For someone like me, who is still building this, I have to go look elsewhere.  This is where VGO comes in handy.  You can go there to look things up.

There are two main reasons that SG is my online gardening home.  First is the garden layout tool.   You can input the dimensions of your garden.  Then you add the plants you want plant or start.  You also get a week by week calendar of when to do items.

When you create your account you enter in your location, the number of people in your household and your food likes.  It makes recommendations based on these.  Overall this site is much more detailed for people who are seriously looking into gardening.

Please, check out these sites and leave your comments about them.  Do you agree with me?  Disagree?  I'd love to find out why!

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